Degree Program

Degree Program Master's degrees are advanced graduate degrees that can improve students' and working professionals' earning potential and professional advancement. Our master's programs are built on undergraduate knowledge and can also help learners from other disciplines enter a new field.

Concentration in Computer Networking

In our master program in networking, students take advanced courses in network security, management and architecture. Students must complete also a final research-based thesis or a capstone project prior to graduation.

For a Master of Science degree in Computer Networking, students must complete 30 semester credit hours: 21 credits of computer science core and 9 credits of concentration courses. Some students may require leveling courses, depends on their previous disciplines.

Concentration in Cyber Security

As hackers and cybercriminals grow more sophisticated, information security professionals must match — and exceed — their skill level. A master’s degree in cybersecurity offers current professionals in the industry a chance to bulk up on their knowledge and skills, seek higher-paying jobs, and ultimately wield more influence in the field.

For a Master of Science degree in Cyber Security, students must complete 30 semester credit hours: 21 credits of computer science core and 9 credits of concentration courses. Some students may require leveling courses, depends on their previous disciplines.

Concentration in Data Analytics

The need for applicants to fill analytics leadership roles is significantly greater than the quantity of qualified analysts available, and data makes the world go round. You'll become a data mining, management, mapping, and munging expert with this master's degree in data analytics, allowing you to boost your earning potential and enhance your career.

For a Master of Science degree in Data Analytics, students must complete 30 semester credit hours: 21 credits of computer science core and 9 credits of concentration courses. Some students may require leveling courses, depends on their previous disciplines.

Concentration in Software Engineering

In our master's degree in software engineering, students learn the critical software development skills needed to succeed in high-level careers. While many software engineering jobs only require a bachelor's degree, employers often prefer candidates with more advanced degrees because of their deeper knowledge base.

For a Master of Science degree in Software Engineering, students must complete 30 semester credit hours: 21 credits of computer science core and 9 credits of concentration courses. Some students may require leveling courses, depends on their previous disciplines.